Deciding on which hotel to stay at can be overwhelming. If you know what amenities you want to enjoy during your stay, it can help narrow down your options so you don’t have to spend time checking out every hotel on your list. From hotel pools to on-site spas, here are five of the most popular hotel amenities to look for if they’re must-haves for you next time you’re booking accommodations for business or leisure travel.
1) Free parking
Considering how often people drive to hotels Llandudno, free parking is almost always a welcome perk. Even if you’re using public transportation, you still have to take time out of your day to get from place to place. To maximise your travel time, request a room close enough to your destination that you can walk. Parking fees can really add up over time—and they’re another way that hotels try and boost their revenue margins. Do yourself a favour by keeping an eye out for free parking when booking accommodation next time around.
2) Parking garage
Whether you’re planning a one-night stay or multiple nights in a row, it’s never fun lugging bags all over town. That is, unless you’re checking into a hotel with parking available on site. But even better than parking on site is having your car parked securely inside an attached garage. Having your car inside will make it more difficult for would-be thieves to break in and steal something, although be sure to keep track of any valuables. You may find yourself paying extra for parking or an on-site garage but it’s worth every penny if you’re not hauling luggage around town trying not to trip over it! Ahem.. that has happened before.
3) Pool
If you’re traveling with your family, a nice pool area is almost a must. Even if you’re planning on being out and about during your vacation, it can be fun to have somewhere relaxing to go back to at night. Some hotels in Llandudno are great at promoting their pools; many more hotels don’t even mention them on their websites. Make sure there is one by asking what recreation is offered, or if they can point you in the direction of pictures online. Speaking of pictures: make sure they actually show a swimming pool and not just a common area with some plastic lounge chairs next to it! If no photos are available, request some from customer service before booking your stay.
4) Hot tub
A hot tub on a hotel property is really more of a luxury than an amenity, but it definitely has some value. Hot tubs are so relaxing, and after long flights or road trips, they can be exactly what you need to relax your body and mind. Hotels with hot tubs often include complimentary robes, towels and sometimes even headphones so you can listen to music or watch TV while soaking. Hotel hot tubs also tend to be larger than home ones, which gives more room for friends or family members. Most hotels don’t allow children in their hot tubs, however (or charge an extra fee), so keep that in mind if traveling with kids! Most people think about hot tubs as indoor options; however, some hotels have outdoor versions too!
5) Workout facilities
One thing to think about is whether or not your prospective hotel has a workout facility. Whether you’re looking for a place to exercise or just looking for a way to pass time while you’re away from home, being able to work out in between business meetings can be invaluable. If you’re on vacation, it can also serve as an excellent distraction if you’re missing home!